
GitHub Source Plugin

Latest: v6.0.0

The CloudQuery GitHub plugin extracts your GitHub API and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more).


The GitHub source plugin supports two authentication methods: Personal Access Token and App authentication. Which one you use is up to and the security requirements of your organization.

CloudQuery requires only read permissions (we will never make any changes to your GitHub account or organizations), so, following the principle of least privilege, it's recommended to grant it read-only permissions to all the resources you wish to sync.

Personal Access Token

Follow this guide (opens in a new tab) on how to create a personal access token for CloudQuery.

App authentication

For App authentication, you need to create a GitHub App and install it on your organization. Follow this guide (opens in a new tab) and install the App into your organization(s). Give it all the permissions you need (read-only is recommended).

Every organization will have a unique installation ID. You can find it by going to the organization's settings page, and clicking on the "Installed GitHub Apps" tab. The installation ID is the number in the URL of the page.


To configure CloudQuery to extract from GitHub, create a .yml file in your CloudQuery configuration directory. The following configuration will extract information from the cloudquery/cloudquery repository:

kind: source
  # Source spec section
  name: github
  path: cloudquery/github
  version: "v6.0.0"
  tables: ["*"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
    access_token: <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE> # Personal Access Token, required if not using App Authentication.
    ## App Authentication (one per org):
    # app_auth:
    # - org: cloudquery
    #   private_key_path: <PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY> # Path to private key file
    #   app_id: <YOUR_APP_ID> # App ID, required for App Authentication.
    #   installation_id: <ORG_INSTALLATION_ID> # Installation ID for this org
    orgs: [] # Optional. List of organizations to extract from
    repos: ["cloudquery/cloudquery"] # Optional. List of repositories to extract from
    ## GitHub Enterprise
    # In order to enable GHE you have to provide two urls, the base url of the server and the upload url.
    # Quote from GitHub's client:
    #   If the base URL does not have the suffix "/api/v3/", it will be added automatically. If the upload URL does not have the suffix "/api/uploads", it will be added automatically.
    #   Another important thing is that by default, the GitHub Enterprise URL format should be http(s)://[hostname]/api/v3/ or you will always receive the 406 status code. The upload URL format should be http(s)://[hostname]/api/uploads/"
    # If you are not configuring against an enterprise server please omit the enterprise stanza bellow
        base_url: "http(s)://[your-ghe-hostname]/api/v3/"
        upload_url: "http(s)://[your-ghe-hostname]/api/uploads/"

You must specify either orgs or repos in the configuration. If a repository is specified in both orgs and repos, it will be extracted only once, and other repositories from that organization will be ignored.

It is recommended that you use environment variable expansion for the access token in production. For example, if the access token is stored in an environment variable called GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN:

  access_token: ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}